Safe Digging Sports

North Carolina 811 developed Safe Digging Sports to spotlight not only all of the sporting events and teams we sponsor every year but also those our partners sponsor as well. If you want to follow racing, football, baseball, hockey, fishing, soccer and so much more, then head on over to the Safe Digging Sports Facebook page and click that follow button. Be sure to tag us on Facebook using @SafeDiggingSports

If you are one of our partners or a team we sponsor, please use the form below to post on our Facebook page.

Please note. This Facebook account is only monitored Monday thru Friday from 7 am to 4 pm.
If your posting is time sensitive please email [email protected] in advance to completing this form.

If you need the, 811, or pipes plus logos for any promotional materials we are involved with, or graphics for races cars or any other items, you will need to send us any designs with the logos to us for approve before use. To download our logos and to submit your designs to us visit the 811 LOGO page of our website.

Safe Digging Sports and North Carolina 811 is proud to have partnered with Virginia 811