Do you know an individual, company or organization that has gone above and beyond being a safe digging partner? Sharing the 811 safe digging message not only to co-workers but family, friends and the general public. Then we suggest you nominate them to be a Damage Prevention Most Valuable Professional. The information below will tell you all you need to know about the program, then just complete the nomination form at the bottom of this page.

- Safe Digging Partner (individual/company/organization) Damage Prevention Most Valuable Professional
- Nominated by the local UCC/State UCC/ NC811 representative to NC811 for consideration.
- Nominations will be received via NC811 and NCUCC web site.
- Criteria for receiving the award. (An individual needs to meet at least 6 out of 10 of the following criteria).
- Attends at least 50% of local/state UCC meetings.
- Have made a presentation or spoken at a local/state UCC meeting.
- helped in reducing damages within their area.
- helped in reducing update/3hr tickets within their area.
- Encourages/participates in preconstruction conferences on large projects within their area.
- Participates in or sponsors a Damage Prevention Event. (breakfast/lunch).
- Has a company program for safety and damage prevention.
- invited NC811 to participate in their organization’s safety training events.
- Helps promote NC811’s Pipes Plus training events within their company or area.
- successfully completed a large construction project with minimal utility interruptions. (Confirmed by them or the master contractor).
- Verified and approved by the NC811 Education Department.
- Notify individual via email/phone of MVP designation.
- Notify individuals supervisor.
- They will receive the following:
- A letter recognizing them as a recipient of the Safe Digging Partner Damage Prevention Most Valuable Professional.
- Challenge Coin along with the challenge coin pledge card.
- A framed certificate identifying them as a Safe Digging Partner Damage Prevention Most Valuable Professional (MVP).
- Nominated by the local UCC/State UCC/ NC811 representative to NC811 for consideration.
Previous recipients
Richard Walsh with Dominion Energy
Bobby Gurganus with Piedmont Natural Gas
Chase Gibson with City of Kings Mountain
Ed Batson with USIC
Eric Prince with Tracer Electronics