What is a Private Line?
Primary power, gas and telecommunication lines will be marked by the utilities that manage them. Secondary water, sewer, gas and electric are considered private lines and will not be marked when contacting 811. Water, sewer, and storm drain lines are only marked within the right of way or to the meter, and not on private property. Lines from the right of way or meter to the residence or business are private lines and you will need to contact a private line locator to have these lines located. Also note, you must contact any non-member facility owners not listed on your location request directly to request their facilities to be located and marked.

You will need to pay a private line locator to locate lines on private property. A list of known private line locators is below. North Carolina 811, Inc. does not make any form of endorsement, express or implied, as to the quality, competency or level of service, or any other matter, concerning the private line locators listed on NC811.ORG.