About NC811


To promote damage prevention and safe digging through communication of excavation activities and to educate facility operators, excavators and the general public.


North Carolina 811, a non-profit organization funded by its member facilities, collects excavation information from anyone involved in excavation activities, including contractors, utilities, and homeowners.

The details of proposed excavation are then transmitted to member facility owners serving the specified excavation area. Our diverse membership includes utilities, municipalities, universities, and homeowner’s associations. Member facilities have a window of three full working days, starting at 11:59 pm on the day the notice is given, to mark the requested locate area for their underground utilities or notify the excavator of no conflict in that area.

It’s important to note that North Carolina 811 does not identify or locate facilities or utility easements. Our role is to notify facility operators about proposed excavations, send positive response information, and maintain required records as stipulated by the statute.

The 811 service is provided free of charge to all excavators. Additionally, North Carolina 811 accommodates requests from individuals who do not plan to excavate but seek information about utilities in a specific area, referred to as Survey/Design locate requests, requiring a 10-business day notice.

For easy access, North Carolina 811 offers a toll-free number, 1-800-632-4949, reachable throughout the continental United States, or you can simply dial 811 within North Carolina. It’s important to clarify that North Carolina 811 does not mark utility lines but serves as a communication link between excavators and utility owners.


Review our FAQ page which covers a wide variety of topics for excavators and utilities.

Please Note:
NC law requires anyone engaging in excavation or demolition activities to contact NC811 at least three working days prior to starting the work. NC811 will then notify the member facility owners within your area of excavation or demolition. The member facility owner has three working days to provide a response and to mark any underground facilities that may be in conflict with the work area. Only publicly owned lines will be marked by the facility owner. NC811 is a non-profit organization fully funded by the member facility owners and managed by a board of directors. NC811 is not a government agency.​

Who would you like to contact?

Did you recently contact North Carolina 811 to request a locate of underground utilities?
Let us know how your experience was.



To see when the next board meeting will take place, visit our NC811 Events Calendar.

For booking information, contact Virginia at [email protected]


Monday – Friday 7:00 am to 7:00 pm open for all
locate requests (excluding holidays)
Emergency locates run from 7:00 pm – 6:59 am
Saturday & Sunday – Emergency locate requests, 3-Hour Notice and Damage Notices.
Note: North Carolina 811 is a 24 hours a day,
7 day a week operation.
Someone is always available to take an emergency locate request.

Main Office Number: 336-855-5760
Main Office Fax Number: 336-299-1914
Secondary Fax Line: 336-294-3623